Monday, May 10, 2010

Just when you think things are calm...the storm picks up again!

We have been dealing with swelling and rash that comes and goes for a while as you can see from earlier posts. We have been rather content to go with the flow. This disease has a mind of it's own. It is scary and frustrating! But, we find comfort knowing that God has a plan and He will see us through. We sang a great song in church on Sunday that expresses just what we are feeling:
He never lets go, through the calm and through the storm
He never lets go, through every high and every low
He never lets go, He never lets go of me.
Forgive me if the following information is TMI (too much information). Being a "googler" myself, I searched for some information and answers to ease our concerns when this new symptom developed and could not find anything. So, I feel it is important to post this information for people who are looking for support and answers for themselves.

Yesterday, Will discovered a red spot on his penis. He showed it to us and we reassured him that it was part of his HSP and it will go away eventually. About an hour later he went to the bathroom and it became a large purplish red spot and was beginning to swell. Another hour went by and his entire penis had swollen and become purple. He was still able to urinate with no pain. However, he was uncomfortable with underwear on and did not want to touch it. I think it was very tender! We took him in to see his pediatrician today and her reaction was that she had never seen anything like this before. So, she immediately called up to the urologist at the clinic and he agreed to "squeeze us in" (that's code for sit in the waiting room for a really long time). While we waited, the lab was testing his urine as it was darker than usual. It came out fine. We think it was darker because Will hadn't been urinating much that day, probably because it was a little scary for him to look at and touch. The urologist looked at it and assured us that it looks worse than it is. Easy for him to say!! So, he explained that all of this was on the surface. Nothing is impeding normal function. It should go away just like all other symptoms have.

As far as the patient goes, he is so brave. He stayed home from school today because of the embarrassment and uncomfortable nature of things. I think this latest symptom has scared him the most! He is taking it all in stride. I assured him that this was all normal and things will be fine. Thank goodness he trusts us and his doctor. It was scary to have to see another doctor that he doesn't know. Especially to let another doctor touch him and look at things. When we were done he said "that wasn't so bad!"

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jen we continue to pray for Will and for you cause bering a mom and not bein gable to take away our childrens boo boos is so hard. Because we have experienced a couple of "weird" situations with our children I wanted you to know that we are thinking of you and hoping soon that this is all in your past. We actually go see Dr. McNinch tomorrow for Rebecca's monthly checkup from the Bels Palsy, to the outside person it looks like it is all gone but we do notice it in the evenings when she is tire. SO that being said we are thinking of you!
