Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 5

Making lemonade for Mom!

Will stayed home from school today. He had a visit with the pediatrician who ran more tests for us. Everything looks good and healthy for all those internal things we worry about. The doctor consulted with a Rheumatoid specialist at Valley Children's Hospital to determine a proper dosage of Neproxin. Since the swelling and pain were not improving, they decided to increase the dose.

The rash is moving up his body. It is now on his hips and tummy and there are spots starting on his arms. Thankfully, he says he does not feel any pain except some tenderness in swollen spots. His ankles are still swollen and his fingers are beginning to swell. There is one really tender bump on his hip.

The doctor says he is alright to return to school. We just need to watch his activity level. I think today was a good day because he was not as active. I'm a little concerned about what will happen with all the activities he will be a part of tomorrow. I talked to the school and they are all aware of the circumstances.  Pants that don't stretch and socks get too tight on him. So, we borrowed some sweats from the neighbors and bought some sandals that can be adjusted for swelling. Just hope I'm doing the right thing. He really is anxious to get back to school, so I'm taking a leap of faith!

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