Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 4 - (since diagnosis)

The day started pretty well. We attended church together and Will was able to participate in our mild activities for the day. In the afternoon he discovered that his "rash" had moved to his upper thigh and groin area. It definitely got him concerned, but we did our best to not act too surprised. His legs were completely swollen. As the hours went by it became too painful for him to stand or walk. Laying down with some ice soothes the pain, but the swelling was not going down even with the Neproxin.

We originally had planned on sending him to school tomorrow, but it just doesn't seem reasonable now. Instead, we will go in to see the doctor and get another urine test to check his kidneys.

As parents we have discovered a new form of heartbreak...watching your child in so much pain. Carrying your 7 year old up the stairs, bathing him and helping him dress, hearing him say how it hurts. All things a parent never wants to see or hear from their child! We have both said to each other, "Why can't it be me instead of him?"

As I sit here thinking about all that has happened in just a few days, I can't help but bad will this get before it goes away. Each moment that something new comes up I think, "OK...this is the worst of it, he will be alright." But, then something else happens. I pray that God will give him the strength to endure and that as parents we can be strong for him and ease his worries even if we can't ease the pain.

1 comment:

  1. Jenn--I had no idea about this. WE are certainly praying for you and for some relief for Will.I will keep checking this blog to see how you are all doing. prayers going your way
